2023 was the year to refocus our efforts... Our leadership sought to redefine goals, metrics, and strategies to best execute Thrive's mission. This effort began in 2022 as the Board of Directors reviewed the previous plan. Thrive's Strategic Planning Committee(SPC) then invited members of our Teen Advisory Council(TAC) to join the SPC. In January 2023, the SPC conducted an internal SWOT analyses with the TAC and BOD, which identified our current strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
The SPC also sought feedback from stakeholders via online surveys. We appreciate the teens, parents, instructors, volunteers, and community members. who provided feedback and keep Thrive’s performance accountable. The SPC also looked to documents such as the Lake County Community Needs Assessment and the Search Institute's Adolescent Assessment Research Reports.
Collectively, these efforts produced a plan aligned with the needs of OUR teen community. This strategic planning process and the final document will guide us to set achievable targets for the future.
Now let’s get to work Empowering Teens to Succeed!
Download .pdf of our Strategic Plan: Click here
Watch the video overview: https://youtu.be/Lm262Cwhl20